New in OpenedFilesView 1.70: Added 'Close Processes Of Selected Files'. ...

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Mp3juices YouTube 音樂下載剪輯

Mp3juices YouTube 音樂下載剪輯

Mp3juices 是三合一多功能下載 MP3 音樂的網站,像是結婚場合、慶生、派對需要用的特殊歌曲可線上直接搜尋後下載使用,也可以複製 YouTube 網址後...


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New in OpenedFilesView 1.70: Added 'Close Processes Of Selected Files'. As opposed to the 'Kill Processes Of Selected Files' option that brutally kills the process, this option sends a request to the application to close itself as soon as ...(以下省略)

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#1 OpenedFilesView

系統中的被開啟的檔案很多,使用 OpenedFilesView 可以窺探到更多的細節,像前陣子我電腦的 TEMP 目錄一直爆掉,一直有跑出新的快取檔案,很快的硬...

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