AirPods are Apple's attempt to bring a better, brighter wireless future to u...

AirPods EarPods 參考資訊

AirPods EarPods

AirPods EarPods

在此次揭曉的iPhone 7系列中,蘋果基於機身防水等因素,因此決定將長年應用在眾多產品的3.5mm耳機孔移除,並且透過去除數位轉類比輸出元件讓機身可空出更多空...


AirPods review: The future of wireless with some present pain | iMore

AirPods are Apple's attempt to bring a better, brighter wireless future to us now, today. They look like the ends of Apple's current, wired EarPods, but with the cord snipped off at the stems. The way they work, though… that's magic. I touched...(以下省略)

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