A couple of days ago, Synology released the open beta of DSM 4.3. Somewhere hidd...

DSM 43 Beta 參考資訊

DSM 43 Beta

DSM 43 Beta

DSM 是什麼?若你已經知道了,我只能說恭喜恭喜,知道這麼棒的一個系統這個系統不是作業系統,而是 Synology 網路儲存伺服器的系統,一個嵌入式系統透過這個...


Git Support in Synology DSM 4.3 Beta - DZone DevOps

A couple of days ago, Synology released the open beta of DSM 4.3. Somewhere hidden in the release notes there was mentioned that the NAS now officially ......(以下省略)

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