macro recorder 相關文章
Simple Macro Recorder allows you to record a sequence of events to create a Windows macro. The Macro Recorder will recor...
The program records keystrokes on the keyboard, mouse button presses, as well as mouse movement. The subsequent record c...
A macro recorder is software that records macros for playback at a later time. The main advantage of using a macro recor...
Record key presses, mouse movements and clicks. Macro Recorder is a good, trial version Windows software, that belongs t...
The best macro recorder for Windows. Not just a keyboard and mouse recorder but a powerful automation tool that converts...
Macro Recorder records your mouse movement, clicks, program changes and text input. Edit the recorded action steps in th...
Macro Recorder records your mouse movements, mouse clicks and keyboard input. Just like a tape recorder for your compute...
2024年1月24日 — Macro Recorder X is a proffesional automation tool. Its simple but beutiful interface suits both beginner...
The official Macro Recorder download source of our best macro program for Windows and Mac.
Here you can purchase Macro Recorder from the official online shop.
相信大家使用電腦一定有常常使用的詞彙,像是電話住址信箱之類的,每次輸入都還要花些時間,Flashpaste 能幫你建立常用的詞彙資料庫,有了這個資料庫之後,以後...
工作有重複性的流程需要提升效率?玩遊戲需要重複點擊才能過關?最近小編發現一款滑鼠錄製點擊工具 AutoMouse Pro,能夠自動點擊滑鼠,支援滑鼠軌跡錄製並重...
繁雜重複的工作真的很煩人,若是每天都是如此應該會很煩躁吧!若是有 Auto Mouse Clicker 這樣的滑鼠自動點擊工具,我想很多事情可以輕鬆許...
電腦除了怕中毒之外,就資安的考量其實頗害怕 Keylogger 這類的工具,因為他會在無形中記錄所有機密資訊,譬如說主機的管理者密碼、個人帳號的密碼等等,這次限...
Riot Isolator 是一款很特別的安全工具軟體,替大家的系統安全把關,而且具備許多預防被監控的功能,像是禁止攝影機被啟用、禁止鍵盤操作被監控與禁止螢幕截...
電腦行為的監控是比較少見的,因為通常不需要這樣的監控,若是存有機密性的主機或許就有必要,那麼有適合的軟體嗎?【KidLogger PRO】的功能一定會讓你滿意,...
macro recorder 參考影音