clipboard software 相關文章
Clipboard is an Extracurricular Management System (EMS), designed to help schools manage all activities outside the clas...
A clipboard manager is a computer program that adds functionality to an operating system's clipboard. Many clipboards pr...
Comfort Clipboard is an extremely handy software that keeps your clipped data always ready-to-use. It has many features ...
The universal multi-clipboard for text, images, files and much more.' For Windows 11, 10, 8/8.1, 7, Vista and XP, (all i...
If you need to copy and paste a large number of text or pictures, then choose us. The software supports one-click copy a...
ClipClip is a free clipboard management software for Windows that will revolutionize the way you copy and paste. ClipCli...
Ditto is an extension to the standard windows clipboard. It saves each item placed on the clipboard allowing you access ...
2023年11月30日 — FastKeys for Windows. It's a text expander + a slick clipboard manager. Apparently, it's built on top of...
Comfort Clipboard is an extremely handy software that keeps your clipped data always ready-to-use. It has many features ...
剪貼簿工具一直都是我很推薦的工具,能夠有效地打造工作紀錄,至少我複製貼上的頻率很高,透過剪貼簿工具的確能記錄到工作細節,ClipAngel 是款頗不錯的剪貼簿工...
需要重複使用複製貼上的內容嗎?那你就需要這款剪貼簿工具 Smart Clip,它是一個簡單卻強大的剪貼簿管理工具,界面與操作都非常直覺,它能夠儲存剪貼簿歷史。此...
分享檔案是一件快樂的事情,有趣的圖片可以分享給朋友看,好玩的小遊戲可以分享給朋友,更別說是神祕的影片了。ShareX 是一套頗專門的分享工具,分為文字、檔案、影...
相信大家使用電腦一定有常常使用的詞彙,像是電話住址信箱之類的,每次輸入都還要花些時間,Flashpaste 能幫你建立常用的詞彙資料庫,有了這個資料庫之後,以後...
想要一個能在任何網站上複製文字的好工具嗎?那麼這款 Blackbox 最強文字複製外掛你一定要收下!Blackbox 是一款免費 Chrome 擴充功能,安裝好...
使用 Windows 11 的朋友,你知道剪貼簿面板多了新玩意了嗎?這次 Microsoft 為了 Windows 11 作業系統,重新設計了剪貼簿面板,Win...
clipboard software 參考影音