Subtitle Edit is an easy-to-use video subtitle editor. You can use it to create,...

影片加字幕有免安裝工具嗎?Subtitle Edit 線上ˋ加字幕工具 參考資訊

影片加字幕有免安裝工具嗎?Subtitle Edit 線上ˋ加字幕工具

影片加字幕有免安裝工具嗎?Subtitle Edit 線上ˋ加字幕工具

想替 YouTube 影片上字幕,又不想安裝上字幕軟體增加電腦負擔嗎?最近小編發現 Subtitle Edit 線上上字幕網站,免安裝任何 App,開啟瀏覽器就...


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Subtitle Edit is an easy-to-use video subtitle editor. You can use it to create, modify, and save subtitles. Support for opening and saving subtitles in .srt and .vtt format. Using subtitle format converters (my other APP), you can convert ... ...(以下省略)

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影片加字幕有免安裝工具嗎?Subtitle Edit 線上ˋ加字幕工具 參考影音

影片加字幕有免安裝工具嗎?Subtitle Edit 線上ˋ加字幕工具 文章標籤

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