2020/2/24 · Huawei is launching a new version of its folding smartphone, the M...

HUAWEI Mate Xs 售價多少?發表會資訊整理 參考資訊

HUAWEI Mate Xs 售價多少?發表會資訊整理

HUAWEI Mate Xs 售價多少?發表會資訊整理

HUAWEI 2020 全球發布會於台灣時間 21:00 在巴塞隆納舉行,會中發表第一款新產品 HUAWEI Mate Xs 折疊手機,若你沒看發布會的話,以下...


Mate Xs: Huawei launches latest version of folding smartphone | Technology | The Guardian

2020/2/24 · Huawei is launching a new version of its folding smartphone, the Mate Xs, alongside revamped tablets and laptops. Despite Mobile World Congress being cancelled owing to fears over the coronavirus ... ...(以下省略)

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HUAWEI Mate Xs 售價多少?發表會資訊整理 參考影音


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