Snip & Paste, a new way to boost your productivity! Snipaste offers powerful...

Windows 螢幕截圖工具推薦 Snipaste 免費下載 參考資訊

Windows 螢幕截圖工具推薦 Snipaste 免費下載

Windows 螢幕截圖工具推薦 Snipaste 免費下載

你是否也在尋找替代 Windows、Mac 內建截圖的工具呢?今天跟大家分享這款 Snipaste 免費截圖工具,支援 Windows、Mac 雙系統,除了基本...


取得 Snipaste - Microsoft Store zh-TW

Snip & Paste, a new way to boost your productivity! Snipaste offers powerful yet easy-to-use snipping, pasting and image annotating functionalities. It is highly customizable to fit all your needs. For snipping, it can automatically detect UI elements...(以下省略)

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