The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that h...

LINE Robot Orz 機器人 參考資訊

LINE Robot Orz 機器人

LINE Robot Orz 機器人

Line 機器人 Orz 讓群組變得更熱鬧,內建許多關鍵字,只要有人輸入觸發關鍵字後,就會得到機器人回應,目前超夯的功能是類似 Dcard 的抽卡功能,另外還有...


Robot Operating System - | Powering the world's ...

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. ... Without another thought, I deleted every line of code I had written over the past two years, installed Linux over Windows and jumped on t...(以下省略)

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HabitMinder 習慣養成器

#1 HabitMinder 習慣養成器

HabitMinder 養成習慣 APP,以科學觀點來說養成習慣需要 21 天的時間,HabitMinder 算是輔助型的 APP,可以檢視、記錄自己每天的細微...

LINE Robot Orz 機器人 參考影音


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