Two utilities read these files. The setfiles utility is used when a file system ...

SELinux semanage 參考資訊

SELinux semanage

SELinux semanage

自從 Linux 進入某版本後,多了 SELinux 的設定,也就是安全增強式 Linux,坦白說是個麻煩的東西,若習慣 SELinux 加入之前的使用,就會覺...


⁠ 5.6.2. Persistent Changes: semanage fcontext

Two utilities read these files. The setfiles utility is used when a file system is relabeled and the restorecon utility restores the default SELinux contexts. This means that changes made by semanage fcontext are persistent, even if the file system is rel...(以下省略)

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