The LG G6 is an Android smartphone developed by LG Electronics. It was announced...

LG G6 超廣角相機手機評測 參考資訊

LG G6 超廣角相機手機評測

LG G6 超廣角相機手機評測

近期真的很多讓人心動的旗艦機,每支都有讓我感興趣的地方,LG G6 我最感興趣的地方就是它的廣角鏡頭,對我來說廣角魅力無敵,LG G6 的廣角不是一般手機的廣角...


LG G6 - Wikipedia

The LG G6 is an Android smartphone developed by LG Electronics. It was announced during Mobile World Congress on February 26, 2017, as the successor to the 2016 LG G5. The G6 is distinguished by its display, which features a taller, 2:1 aspect ratio than ...(以下省略)

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