soundscape generator 相關文章 Discover a world of immersive and customizable soundscapes that can enhance focus, relaxation, and sleep. Choose from no... The Fable creates new sonic adventures with five granular delay programs centered around sample and chop algorithms. Str... Take a walk in the soundscapes selected by AI ; PianoJosé Garnelo ; Angkor WatCambodia ; Mauro LimaPouring Wine ; Himala... Lore Reverse Soundscape Generator. $299.99. Create the soundtrack to your storybook adventure with the Lore Reverse Soun... The immersive music visualizer that lets you build your own beats. Software that allows the user to play ambient background sounds at random or at command. stress beach natural-sounds sou... 2024年3月23日 — Discover the power of AI soundscape generators! ✓ Transform your audio experience with personalized, imme... Fable 為您提供了五種採樣和斬波延遲算法為中心的全新程序,以創建奇異優美的採樣和重採樣聲音網絡。 Fable 使用強大的雙DSP 架構將“延遲程序”與“粒度採樣”算法串聯 ... 有能撫平不安情緒的環境音效網嗎?Defonic Ocean noise generator 線上海洋環境音效網! 有的沒⊙⊙ 資訊 3 年前 喜歡聽海浪拍打沙灘的聲音好來撫平焦慮的心情嗎?那麼這款 Defonic Ocean noise generator 線上海洋環境音效網會很適合你!Defonic... 猜你喜歡 參考文章 1 soundscape generator 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... soundscape generator 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋 工作專注音樂放鬆音樂下載環境音效海洋生物聲音集中精神音樂海豚聲Defonic Ocean noise generator讀書音樂助眠音效Defonic海浪聲白噪音海洋環境音海底環境音 random ambient music generator