google it for me 相關文章 2017年9月19日 — The non-snarky art of learning how to learn about anything you've ever wanted to learn about. “Google It” (or “Let Me Google That For You”) is a lazy answer that shows a lack of interest in creating a searchable da... For all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their question than to google it for themselves. Let me Google that is for all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their questions than to Googl... LMGTFY (前稱為Let me Google that for you,中文解釋為「讓我幫您Google您要的那樣東西」) 是一個連結到搜尋引擎的引導性網站,該網站與Google並沒有任何關係。 2008年11月19日 — Very useful - especially when you have non-computer savvy relatives who ask me stupid questions that cou... For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than to Google it for themselv... 2012年12月25日 — People say “Google it” as a sarcastic response to something that you could easily Google, (or just look ... 2021年4月27日 — 只要在「Let me Google that for you」鍵入關鍵字,它就會跳出連結給你。連結點進去 會顯示一個「幫忙使用者Google的動畫」,並親切地引 導使用者至Google ... LMGTFY 如何使用Google找資料 有的沒⊙⊙ 趣味 7 年前 有時候被朋友問白癡問題的時候,常常想要翻白眼,因為明明 Google 一下就可以知道答案,這時候 LMGTFY 就可以派上用場,LGMFY 在 2008 年被設... 猜你喜歡 參考文章 1 google it for me 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... google it for me 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋 如何使用搜尋引擎如何Google教父母如何搜尋如何使用Google找資料如何搜尋LMGTFY 不會google嗎讓我幫你googlelmgtfy websitelmgtfy中文lmgtfy改版lmgtfy wiki