Language learning with Netflix edge 相關文章 Learn English with the eLang extension. Watch your favorite YouTube videos, Netflix series, and Coursera classes entirel... 2021年12月27日 — (formerly called 'Language Learning with Netflix') Netflix The extension adds dual language subtitles, a... Instantly translate words and phrases and use smart subtitles on Youtube, Netflix and Coursera with eLang extension. Fro... LLN is a Chrome extension that gives you superpowers over Netflix. It makes studying languages with films/series more ef... 4 天前 — This extension is a combination of Language Learning with Netflix (Beta) and Language Learning with YouTube (Ab... Discover Lingopie for Netflix, the cutting-edge language learning extension that empowers you to learn a new language wh... 在開始學習外語影集之前,必須先下載並安裝「Language Learning with Netflix」擴充功能。可以使用Google Chrome或Microsoft Edge瀏覽器並在瀏覽器線上商店下載擴充功能, ... On the LR website it says Edge addon is comming soon. However there is already an addon called Language reactor to downl... Netflix 如何開啟中英雙字幕 NflxMultiSubs 讓你輕鬆學英文 綠色軟體 影音視聽 4 年前 看影集、電影學外語,是一個相對快樂比較不沉悶的方式,有沒有辦法讓 Netflix 開啟雙字幕呢?市面上有許多中英雙字幕的工具,可以開 Netflix 雙字幕,不... 猜你喜歡 參考文章 1 Language learning with Netflix edge 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... Language learning with Netflix edge 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋 Netflix 雙字幕NetsubNetflix中日字幕Netflix 日文字幕Netflix 字幕 Netflix language learning with netflix