Go to the Windows search bar and type Restore your files with File History. Locate the file you want to regain. There could be more ...

how to recover deleted files 參考資訊(相關文章 1 筆)

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適合隨身攜帶的檔案救援工具 IObit Undelete

適合隨身攜帶的檔案救援工具 IObit Undelete

在電腦上遺失檔案或是誤刪檔案都是讓人感到困擾的,這種事情我想大家都發生過,這時候就必須使用檔案救援軟體來幫忙,IObit Undelete 是款體積很小的檔案救...

how to recover deleted files 參考影音


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