couldn't find load text fonts fallout 2

fallout 2 error couldn't findload fonts plz help, page 1 - Forum

2015年3月22日 — Mmm, seems something went wrong with the configuration file fallout2.cfg. Check it and see if there is a wrong path for the following files: ... ...(以下省略)

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couldn't find load text fonts fallout 2 相關文章

Font Loader

Font Loader

現在越來越多 SSD 硬碟的筆電,SSD 硬碟除了比較貴之外,空間容量也不是很大,以 64GB 的容量來跑系統綽綽有餘,不過多安裝一點字型可能就會很佔空間,因此...

couldn't find load text fonts fallout 2 參考影音


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