Close-up lenses screw into the filter thread at the front of a camera lens. ... ...

Canon 52mm Close up Lens 250D 參考資訊

Canon 52mm Close up Lens 250D

Canon 52mm Close up Lens 250D

之前 Canon 推出 40mm 餅乾鏡的時候,我一度覺得我找到了適合拍攝美食的鏡頭,餅乾鏡的畫質沒有話說,CP 值真的很不錯,但是最近對焦距離不夠理想,無法達...


Close-up lenses - Canon Professional Network

Close-up lenses screw into the filter thread at the front of a camera lens. ... Third, there are four filter mount sizes − 52mm, 58mm, 72mm and 77mm. ... A general guidance, the Type 250D is designed for camera lenses with focal lengths from ......(以下省略)

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