Public DNS Server Tool is a small utility for changing the DNS servers in Window...

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Public DNS Server Tool

Public DNS Server Tool

網路會通不代表一定能瀏覽網站,得透過 DNS 來反查網站的 IP 位置,根據反查的結果再向網站伺服器要求存取網頁,近來因為 Facebook 夜間緩慢的問題,許...


Download Public DNS Server Tool v2.2 (freeware) - AfterDawn: Software downloads

Public DNS Server Tool is a small utility for changing the DNS servers in Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 on the fly. It lets you change the settings easily with a click. You can switch between your ISP, and public DNS servers, if you should wish to do so. It ...(以下省略)

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