tyke elephant outlaw 相關文章 Tyke (1973 – August 20, 1994) was a female African bush elephant from Mozambique who performed with Circus International... The life of Tyke, a circus elephant who went on a rampage in 1994 in Honolulu and died in a hail of gunfire. Her former ... Like the classic animal rebellion film King Kong, Tyke is the central protagonist in a tragic but redemptive drama that ... This is the gripping and emotionally charged story of Tyke, a circus elephant who went on a rampage in Honolulu in 1994,... Documentary. This is the gripping and emotionally charged story of Tyke, a circus elephant that went on a rampage in Hon... This is the story of Tyke, a circus elephant that went on a rampage, killed her trainer in front of thousands of people ... Tyke Mac筆記軟體 Apple Mac 7 年前 使用 Mac 工作的朋友,偶爾會靈光乍現,靈感蜂擁而來,這時候 Tyke 就可以幫上大忙,沒有什麼複雜的功能,就是做筆記,可以把 idea、靈感等隨時寫在上面,... 猜你喜歡 參考文章 1 tyke elephant outlaw 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... tyke elephant outlaw 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋 Mac 記事工具筆記軟體Mac 筆記軟體TykeMac 記事本Mac 筆記本工具 tyke中文little tyketyke大象allen campbell