flashpoint meaning 相關文章 The flash point of a material is the lowest liquid temperature at which, under certain standardized conditions, a liquid... The meaning of FLASH POINT is the lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance ignite in ai... a point, place, or situation in which sudden anger or violence could happen. The city became a flash point as political ... the lowest temperature at which the vapor of a combustible liquid can be ignited in air. 5 天前 — 2 meanings: 1. the lowest temperature at which the vapour above a liquid can be ignited in air 2. a critical mo... flashpoint noun (TEMPERATURE) ... The flashpoint of a liquid is the lowest temperature at which the vapour it produces w... a situation or place in which violence or anger starts and cannot be controlled. Tension in the city is rapidly reachin... 3 天前 — a place or stage at which violence might be expected to begin: Because of the army's presence, the city is seen... 如何從 Android 搬資料到 iOS?限時免費 AnyMP4 TransMate 一年份序號免費領取 綠色軟體 檔案備份 1 年前 Android、iPhone 資料搬家,有沒有推薦的工具?市面上好用的工具大多要收費,剛好最近小編發現 AnyMP4 推出的 TransMate 限時免費中,原... 有懷舊小遊戲嗎?Flashpoint 超過 3.8 萬個免費玩 有的沒⊙⊙ 遊戲 5 年前 懷念以前小時候玩的小遊戲嗎?「 BlueMaxima's Flashpoint 」為一個從 2018 年開始的計畫,網路上多貢獻者收集了來自 13 個平台的 F... 好康報給報給大家知,不要錯過贏得Canon 7D單眼相機的機會,On The Way路拍攝影比賽! 工商服務 不分類資訊 15 年前 周末的整個下午,我都在瀏覽電腦內的圖片,回顧以前的照片真的很有趣,拍照技術真的需要一點一滴慢慢累積啊!兩年前拍的東西真的有點見不得人的感覺,但我還是慢慢的一一回... 猜你喜歡 參考文章 1 flashpoint meaning 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... flashpoint meaning 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋 TransMateAndroid 轉 iOS PTTBlueMaxima FlashpointFlash小遊戲昂路名鞋館Android 轉 iPhoneAndroid 轉 iOS網頁遊戲手機搬家F100fdEn route攝影比賽On The WayAndroid 轉 iOS 聯絡人AnyMP4 TransMate flashpoint gameflashpoint美劇flashpoint batmanflashpoint flashflashpoint電影flashpoint線上看