angry birds space 1 14 相關文章 Difficulty. There are a lot of blocks, so you can destroy many blocks with only one sardines and black birds make this l... Pig Bang 1-14 is the 14th level of Pig Bang. To obtain 3 stars in this level, you should pop all pigs and get 75000 poin... 2012年3月24日 — This level is pretty tricky. To earn three stars, you need approximately 75k points. Therefore, completin... 2012年3月22日 — The walkthrough says to shoot first to the diamond next to the mustachioed pig, who is in the center. Thi... 2012年3月24日 — Walkthrough 1-14 ... You can actually get more points by using up all of your birds on this one. Start by... Angry Birds Space 憤怒鳥太空版!快上太空殺豬去!地心引力抓不住鳥? Apple 遊戲推薦 13 年前 史上最強的手機遊戲Angry Birds!真是千呼萬喚啊~~!太空版終於在3/22開放下載囉!之前看官方的影片介紹,就覺得超酷的!每一隻鳥都換上犀利的太空造型,... 猜你喜歡 參考文章 1 angry birds space 1 14 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... angry birds space 1 14 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋 憤怒鳥Angry Birds憤怒鳥太空版Angry Birds Space下載Angry Birds SpaceAngry Birds太空版憤怒鳥太空版下載