YouTube speed up 4x 相關文章 Then select the playback speed from the new pop-up. YouTube Playback Speed Feature. Step 4. Choose the playback speed yo... 2024年1月18日 — Click ` (the grave accent key) to flick between normal and 2x speed, or ctrl + ` to play at 3x speed. Not... 2015年3月14日 — You can speed up YouTube videos as much as 2x the normal speed or even slow it down as low as 0.25x the n... 2024年3月29日 — You can increase the playback speed of YouTube videos using shortcuts Shift + or Shift +. ... Jane is an ... 2023年1月12日 — Control speed of the youtube playback using keyboard. Press '+' to increase and '-' to decrease the playb... Go to a video. Hover over the player and click Settings . Click Speed. Select the speed at which you'd like the video to... 2022年6月27日 — Click the Lighting button from the toolbar in the middle place. You can customize your YouTube videos' sp... YouTube加速 精華 有的沒⊙⊙ 資訊 4 年前 相信大家最近都有得到 YouTube 加速的相關訊息,我們常常看 YouTube 影片時常常會下載不完全,然後就此卡住了!原因就在於中華電信的快取伺服器太過壅塞... 猜你喜歡 參考文章 1 YouTube speed up 4x 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... YouTube speed up 4x 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋 YouTube一鍵加速YouTube Speed UpYouTube加速 video speed up chromeyoutube speed controlchrome speed