Keys per second 相關文章 If you are curios about the number of times you press a certain key or other similar statistics, Keys Per Second can pro... 2021年6月24日 — To add a keyboard key press Ctrl + +, to add mouse button press Ctrl + >, and to remove press Ctrl + -... 2021年6月30日 — How to use. To add a keyboard key press Ctrl + +, to add mouse button press Ctrl + >, and to remove pr... 2017年2月1日 — For each configured key it shows how many times it is pressed. By default it also shows the maximum, avera... Test for checking keyboard CPS. In this test you can use almost all your keyboard keys like WASD, Space, Ctrl, Shift, et... Keys Per Second is a portable, open-source application that measures key presses per second, displays your average, maxi... This tool captures bursts of keystrokes (including keys like Control and Shift ), allowing you to measure a whole new ra... KeysPerSecond is a program that counts how many times certain keys and mouse buttons are pressed. It can also show vario... JKPS is a program that shows keystates, keys per second, total keys and current beats per minute. The program is intende... 猜你喜歡 參考文章 Keys per second 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... Keys per second 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋