a file is locked by another program or the OS itself. As has been quite rightly mentioned - it is indeed used by System

generic volume shadow copy 參考資訊(相關文章 1 筆)

generic volume shadow copy

What's "Generic volume shadow copy"?

a file is locked by another program or the OS itself. As has been quite rightly mentioned - it is indeed used by System...(以下省略)

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generic volume shadow copy 相關文章

ShadowCopy 利用微軟的Shadow技術複製檔案,不擔心檔案被鎖住的問題

ShadowCopy 利用微軟的Shadow技術複製檔案,不擔心檔案被鎖住的問題

系統備份不只是複製檔案那麼簡單,不然就不需要那麼多的備份軟體了,在系統上有許多正在運作的檔案,在檔案複製上不一定會成功,這時候就得利用到微軟的 VSS 技術,【...

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