DeskPins helps a lot in putting your priority applications above your other wind...

Win 10 如何釘選視窗?DeskPins 將任意視窗釘選在最上層 參考資訊

Win 10 如何釘選視窗?DeskPins 將任意視窗釘選在最上層

Win 10 如何釘選視窗?DeskPins 將任意視窗釘選在最上層

有時候在打資料時,需要有第二個視窗當參考資料,或是邊看影片邊工作,視窗需要置頂時怎麼辦?今天要與大家分享這個小工具 DeskPins,DeskPins...


DeskPins - Download

DeskPins helps a lot in putting your priority applications above your other windows that are also open in your desktop. Pinning them on top not only makes it accessible but it also saves you the time from having to dig through the numerous tabs ... ...(以下省略)

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Win 10 如何釘選視窗?DeskPins 將任意視窗釘選在最上層 參考影音


Win 10 如何釘選視窗?DeskPins 將任意視窗釘選在最上層 文章標籤

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