Captura is an in-game image capture and editing tool that allows players to mani...

Captura 螢幕截圖工具好用嗎?據說還具備有錄影功能! 參考資訊

Captura 螢幕截圖工具好用嗎?據說還具備有錄影功能!

Captura 螢幕截圖工具好用嗎?據說還具備有錄影功能!

有沒有錄影+截圖二合一工具?今天小編要跟大家分享的 Captura 就是螢幕錄影+截圖 2 合一工具,安裝一款抵兩款,而且是開源工具 100% 免費使用,最重要...


Captura | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom

Captura is an in-game image capture and editing tool that allows players to manipulate and compose scenarios for screenshots. To access it, go to your Warframe in the arsenal, and click on appearance, the Captura option will be around the top ... ...(以下省略)

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Captura 螢幕截圖工具好用嗎?據說還具備有錄影功能! 參考影音

Captura 螢幕截圖工具好用嗎?據說還具備有錄影功能! 文章標籤

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