BakadoPlayer - 為你解決影片與字幕糾纏不清的問題電腦的配備越來越高檔,因此也有越來越多使用者喜歡直接在電腦上欣賞影片。但是,在看影片時最討厭的莫過...
BakadoPlayer (free) - Download latest version in English on phpnuke
BakadoPlayer USER REVIEWS No user reviews were found. If you are looking for an alternative in terms of media players, there is one software that you should consider using. This software is known as BakadoPlayer. Installation is a breeze and runni...(以下省略)
** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **
BakadoPlayer(flash播放器),BakadoPlayer(flash播放器)V1.0.0.7 绿色版这个和那个 SuperFinder 一样是FSL出品的软件这个播放器主要的特色在于它的字幕显示方面它还支持多格式播放,,是个非...
2016年12月27日 - BakadoPlayer (BakadoPlayer.exe). BakadoPlayer is an ideal application for working with subtitles. With th...
2008年11月13日 - Subtitles oriented media player with separated and sizeable areas for subtitles and movie; no more subs o...
BakadoPlayer is an application developed as a subtitle oriented media player: no more subs overlapping! Here are some ke...
If you are looking for an alternative in terms of media players, there is one software that you should consider using. T...
2009年11月25日 - BakadoPlayer - 為你解決影片與字幕糾纏不清的問題, 電腦的配備越來越高檔,因此也有越來越多使用者喜歡直接在電腦上欣賞影片。但是,在看 ...
2016年12月27日 - BakadoPlayer is an ideal application for working with subtitles. With this efficient program, you will be...
Separated subtitles, no ovelapping (BakadoPlayer). Previous and next buttons to navigate through subtitles list (arrow k...
BakadoPlayer 是一款免费的影片播放软件,不过,与其说它是影片播放软件,不如称它为字幕处理机吧!因为它的播放功能其实还必须仰赖系统内建的 Windows Media Player 来 ...
BakadoPlayer 參考影音