hddtemp service 相關文章 Hddtemp is a Linux feature that measures the temperature of the hard drive via Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting T... 2020年8月1日 — The hddtemp.service unit file is auto-generated by systemd, as the hddtemp package only has a van Smoorenb... 2023年3月24日 — The package has been removed from Debian since Debian Buster (Debian 10) because it was not maintained by... The original hddtemp is not maintained far too long. Due to that it was removed from the official repositories of Ubuntu... 2022年8月30日 — Is there a clear 1,2,3 step to getting hddtemp to show up on the dashboard somewhere? I have it hddtemp i... Script Summary. Reads hard disk information (such as brand, model, and sometimes temperature) from a listening hddtemp s... 2018年6月20日 — I want to add my RAID array to the default config of just /dev/sda. The instructions on the wiki page are... 2024年1月28日 — Hddtemp is a small utility (with daemon) that gives the hard-drive temperature via SMART (for drives supp... 2023年6月6日 — Hddtemp 可以與系統監視器集成。 Conky 在守護進程模式中已內置對Hddtemp 的支持。 只需啟用 hddtemp.service 並將 $hddtemp ℃ 添加到Conky 配置文件。 猜你喜歡 參考文章 hddtemp service 參考影音 繼續努力蒐集當中... hddtemp service 文章標籤 標籤 猜你搜尋 install smartmontoolshddtemp ubuntu