This tutorial will show you how to turn auto-hide on or off to either hide or sh...

MSN AutoHide 參考資訊

MSN AutoHide

MSN AutoHide

由於通常MSN開啟後會佔掉桌面大部分的面積,相當礙眼.因此這個程式能夠在一般情況下將MSN隱藏在桌面頂端.當使用者將滑鼠移到桌面頂端時,MSN視窗才會出現. 當...


Taskbar Auto-hide - Turn On or Off - Windows 7 Help Forums

This tutorial will show you how to turn auto-hide on or off to either hide or show the taskbar from view on your desktop until you hover the pointer over it in Windows 7. You could hide the taskbar to create more space on your desktop....(以下省略)

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