You'd be forgiven for thinking that Nokia's "shoot now, focus later...

Nokia Refocus 參考資訊

Nokia Refocus

Nokia Refocus

雖然說 NOKIA Lumia 的用戶不多,但是我想會使用的真的都是愛用者,也都很期待獨特的技術在手機上呈現,現在有一款 Nokia Refocus 已經蓄勢待...


Nokia's Refocus camera app is now available to all Lumia owners on WP8

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Nokia's "shoot now, focus later" photography app, Refocus, required PureView hardware to run, because until now it's only been available on PureView-branded phones. As it turns out though, the app ...(以下省略)

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